Blue Light Glasses & Computer Glasses for Every Style

Your day begins by checking Instagram on your phone; after work, you relax with a video game before going to sleep.

Blue light glasses have become popular as an attempt to treat eyestrain and sleep issues associated with screen time, yet these glasses may not be the sole way to reduce symptoms of eyestrain.

What is blue light?

Blue light is a type of visible light with short wavelengths that scatters more easily than other colors, diminishing contrast and making it hard to focus. Overexposure to digital screens for extended periods may cause eye strain and fatigue in users; glasses that filter blue light (commonly referred to as “blue blockers”) may help relieve some eye fatigue by restricting how much harmful blue light reaches our eyes; they may also promote healthy sleeping habits by helping regulate our circadian rhythms.

Screen filters and yellow-tinted lenses can significantly reduce the amount of blue light emitted by computer, tablet, smartphone, and flat-screen television displays, without diminishing visibility of displays. Speak to your optometrist about purchasing such glasses to reduce exposure from electronic devices; follow the 20-20-20 rule: take at least 20-foot breaks every 20 minutes while viewing something distant (at least 20 feet away) to reduce eye strain and help avoid eye strain.

How do blue light glasses work?

Blue light glasses are non-prescription eyeglasses designed to filter out some of the high-energy blue light emitted from digital devices like computers and phones, such as computers and phones.

Blue light glasses also work to restrict some of the visible light that passes through their lenses, thus limiting how much is visible through. Because of this, some types of blue light glasses feature yellow or amber hues while other can remain clear.

Many individuals who use electronic devices for extended periods report symptoms like eyestrain, dry eyes and headaches when exposed to blue light glasses – though their effectiveness has yet to be established and may not provide much relief.

Before trying blue light glasses for migraines or hyper light sensitivity, it is wise to consult an eye care professional first. They may not be suitable for you, and they can help ensure you select appropriate frames and lenses to meet your specific needs. In addition to that, limit screen time and take frequent breaks to reduce eye strain.

What are the benefits of blue light glasses?

Blue light glasses have long been touted as a solution to eye strain and insomnia caused by overexposure to computers, tablets and phones. But their efficacy remains uncertain.

Studies suggest that blue light from screens may disrupt our circadian rhythm and inhibit production of melatonin, an essential hormone for sleep. Meanwhile, research demonstrates that blue light glasses do not have much of an impact on eyestrain or digital screen fatigue reduction.

Before purchasing blue light filter glasses, it’s advisable to first consult with a licensed optometrist and select a pair that feels comfortable and fits properly, including one offering UV protection. Make sure the seller offers a satisfactory return policy as well.

If blue light glasses don’t suit your lifestyle needs, other simple lifestyle adjustments may help alleviate eyestrain and digital eye fatigue. Follow the 20-20-20 rule when taking breaks from screens throughout your day and take regular breaks from screens throughout your day to further decrease eyestrain and digital eye fatigue.

Where can I buy blue light glasses?

Sunlight and digital screen devices both emit high-energy blue light that can cause eye strain and disrupted sleep. Wearing blue light glasses to filter this harmful wavelength away from reaching your retina could be just what’s needed .

If headaches from too much screen time are becoming an issue for you, see an optometrist for an eye exam to identify its source and prescribe appropriate relief measures. In the meantime, blue light glasses may help alleviate symptoms associated with digital eyestrain and insomnia such as irritated eyes, dryness or blurriness of vision; make sure you purchase from a reputable seller with customer reviews, beginning with lower cost glasses until more protection from blue light becomes necessary.